What were your goals as you began last year?  Did you reach them?  How long did you make progress or lack of before you threw in the towel?  Will you start again this January?  

Consider the tools that I found helpful in reaching a few of my goals last year: journaling, accountability coach, a personal investment and weekly tracking charts. In Christ I was able to see a change. I find hope in reading 2 Corinthians 5:17 where it says, that if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here!

“The old has gone, the new is here!

2 Corinthians 5:17

Last year I started out with a hope, one may even call it a dream. Like most this hope of getting rid of the old and embracing the new had to do with losing a few pounds.  Honestly it was more than a few pounds, it was fifty.  I had gained an average of two pounds each year for the last twenty-five years and it finally showed up in a size double XL.  How had that happened?  More importantly what was I willing to do about it? 

As I began praying for God’s help He revealed to me several tools I could implement to help reach my goal. There are four tools that made a difference in my success.

The first tool I found helpful was to journal. 

I journaled a few goals.  I made a list of Do’s and Don’ts. Journaling my thoughts and feelings have been a common practice for years.  Placing New Year’s resolutions down on paper moved them from a conversation to a personal goal and a written challenge.

The second tool I found to be most valuable was having an accountability coach. 

God led me to an accountability group and a nutrition coach. This person attended my church and lived only three miles from my house.  However, she was a national representative for BeachBody on Demand. I am not saying that is the only program to consider, I am just acknowledging that like most programs it works if you work it.  I am giving a shout out for BeachBody and my coach, Essie Cade, because it did work for me. 

Why did it work? I was dedicated, teachable, and determined to follow the plan.  There are no magic drinks or quick fix exercises. I have found there are proven portion control containers, healthy shakes, and vitamin enriched flavored packs for water that helped in my journey.  I needed a lot of guidance, so I figured if someone else had mapped out how much water I should drink, protein I should eat, the number of fruits and vegetables that I should consume in a day then the least I could do was give it a try.   

The third tool I found helpful was a willingness to make a financial investment for my physical health.

I have found over the years the things I want, I find both time and money to accomplish.  This journey required a small investment of money, to have access to online workouts. I found that having someone tell me what to do, how to do it and for how long was what I needed.  If you have ever played the game SIMON SAYS, then you have an understanding of how my mornings get started.  I hit play on my computer and for 30 minutes, I follow the leader.  I have found the convivence of working out in the privacy of my home works well for me. I had a body image issue and working out in a gym not knowing what to do, or how to do it made me a little shy 

Over the weeks and months of 2018, I followed the suggestions of someone that had a proven track record. A person who cared for my mental, physical and spiritual health. 

The last tool that proved to be helpful in reaching my goals was a tracking chart.

I needed a quick reference chart to keep me on track each day. The charts that worked for me were simple and easy to follow.  I enjoyed checking in several times per week and having a written plan that was submitted each Tuesday. 

My tracker chart included common sense questions.  It was a chart that ask questions with an answer of yes or no.  Did I do what I said I would do or not? Had I completed my exercise, consumed my water, and made contact with a member of the lifestyle challenge team?  I added a few check marks to keep the balance I was striving for.  My add-on’s included time alone with God, prayer and devotions.

In life we often want to do tough things alone so if we fail no one will know. I have found that when I have tried to do the tough things alone, I am sure to fall short.  When I trust my hopes and dreams to a small group of people that believe in me and encourage me to do my best, my chances of being successful just increased a hundred-fold.   

My tracking charts were quick and easy.  My accountability coach was accessible and trustworthy.  My journals are a testimony of the good and bad days of this journey. 

Once a few pounds started to drop, my son shared the best quote ever.  He said, “Mom, results are addictive, keep up the good work”.  He was right. Once I saw that I could drink water, I could eat more veggies, I was able to cut back on sugar and exercise daily the results started to happen. It was months before others noticed, but my tracking charts showed change was happening even when I felt like nothing was changing.  

Today, I celebrate that God can use my journey. That I can share my progress with someone else.  I took a leap of faith and trusted a process. I ask God for help and he gave me access to the tools. It was up to me what I chose to do with them.  

One thing I learned this past year was the healthier I become, the more I want to rest.  We are such busy people.  I like to attack life.  I have discovered that part of having a strong action plan is taking time to listen to what God knows is best for us.  He is the best coach because he created us.  He is the best doctor because he formed us.  He is the best nutritionist because he designed food to fuel our bodies he created. 

When I spend quite time with God, it gives me more energy and direction than when I jump in using my own strength and wisdom.  Discipline is now part of my mind set.  Discipline with my time with God.  Discipline in learning portion control with food and with exercise.  If I give more of myself to food and exercise and less with God I will not be balanced.  If I spend all my time with God and yet never apply the principles of a healthy lifestyle then I still remain a very unhealthy person.    

Consider this new year to be an opportunity to find balance in your faith, food, and your fitness. 

Get things right with Christ and then trust the scripture: “if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here!” Your family will be glad you did. Your friends will be glad you did, and your doctor will be glad you did. There is someone more important than family, friends and doctor.  You will be glad you did.  What are you waiting for?  Grab a notebook or a journal.  Write down where you are today and where you want to be in a year.  Where do you want to be with God in a week, in a month and this time next year? What do you want to be able to do physically by summer? And what would you like the scales to read a year from now? On average 3-5 pounds per month is a healthy and realistic goal.  This is not a quick fix this is a lifestyle change.  

Tools for the New Year when applied faithfully will bring change.

My personal goal was to drop 50 pounds. I lost a total of 42 pounds last year and have maintained the new weight for more than four months by continuing to use the tools I have outlined in the article. Was that a success? Yes! I discovered that I did not really need to lose 50 pounds. When I dropped 42 pounds, I was in clothes that I never dreamed of returning to.  I dropped 6 dress sizes.  I purchased jeans and a shirt in sizes that mirrored my middle school and high school years.  I never dreamed of wearing a medium size shirt especially as I near turning 50 years old. I have been blessed to give birth to two kids, both are grown and now I am honored to have two grandkids. A few added values are, I have more energy and I feel great.  I can do push-ups again, I can walk 3 miles without collapsing. I have a clearer mind. I spend more time with God just sitting by the fire. I journal more, I read more, I love life more, and I encourage others more. You can too, but you have to do it for you not for everyone else. This will be between you and God. He will help you, if you ask.  It starts with a decision.  Will it be easy? NO!!! Will it be worth it? Most Definity.