THINK BIG…..Consider these thoughts; to bleed, suffer, and die.

These ideas are connected to the human mind with getting hurt, experiencing agony and dealing with grief.

Jesus took on the appearance of man, and didn’t just die but was tortured.

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death- even death on a cross!

Philippians 2:8

Not just any death but death on a cross. Why did Jesus do that?

Jesus Christ died so that you and I could join in relationship with the Holy Trinty.

When wrapping your head around the big idea of the Trinity it requires you to think bigger, wider, and deeper. To think of the Trinity means to think big.

God the father sent the son. God the son obeyed the Father’s request and the death of the son occurred.

God the father and God the son are only two highlighted parts of the three part Trinity.

Let’s go a little wider, deeper, and bigger.

Following the death, resurrection and return to heaven by God the son, Jesus, then we were given access to the third part of the Trinity. The third part of Trinity is the Holy Spirit.

God the Holy Spirit. This is a wider, deeper and bigger idea that often is overwhelming to think about.

Just because it’s a big idea doesn’t mean we should ignore the truth. During this Holy Week, the time leading up to Easter, take time to embrace the pain of Jesus. Tap into the comforter, the third part of the Holy Trinity, God the Holy Spirit.

This beautiful gift was released following Jesus arrival back into heaven. The Trinity was whole in the begin. The Trinity was whole in the Old Testament. The Trinity was whole on the cross. The Trinity is complete now. Jesus death on the cross did not break the unity of the Trinity. God the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit always was, always is and always will be.

Often we think the third part of the Trinity arrived because of the death of Christ. Reality is the third part of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit was and is. The English language struggles to adequately convey the concept of the Trinity.

The Trinity was in the beginning and is also now.

Yes, it is a big idea but the scripture reminds us in Acts 1 the Holy Spirit is a gift from God the Father. This gift of the Holy Spirit was promised by God the Son and Jesus told his followers to wait. In the beginning, The Holy Spirt was with the Father, and the son was all present.

The father and the Holy Spirit was with Jesus when Jesus came to earth. The Holy Spirit was with Jesus on the cross, in the tomb and ascended with him back to heaven. Here is a key point. God sent the Holy Spirit to us to fill the gap from when Jesus left and when he is expected to return. Yes, the Holy Spirit is with us now.

God was on earth in human form for a limited time. Once Jesus, God in human form, died and returned to heaven, God returned to earth via the comforter. In human form, Jesus, could only be in one place at a time. In the third form of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is a covering that can be in all places at once.

Think deeper, wider and bigger. The sky is a great reminder of the Holy Spirit. It is deeper, wider and bigger than we can truly understand. It is a covering for everyone, everywhere. The sky covers every tribe, nation and language.

Someone may say there is not a sky. Other may express not to believe in a sky. That would not change the truth that the sky is still present. One may see the sky as dark, others may see the sky as blue, still others may experience the sky as partly cloudy. The idea is that the sky has not changed. Circumstances of the atmosphere affect how we view the sky. But the true sky, like the true God is real and not affected by the storms that pass through.

Our circumstances can be painful, agonizing and filled with grief. Jesus knew we would face dark days. Jesus knew the clouds would roll in and that the clear sky would be altered at times. Because of the cross, death and resurrection of Jesus we have access to personal conversations with God.

We have access for the third part of the Trinity to live within us. The invitation for this is available, much like the sky. It is there, look up, breath in and accept this gift that was released once Jesus rose from the dead and ascended back to heaven.

Jesus death on the cross was not the end. His death on the cross was a chapter in human history. Jesus will be returning to earth one day. Until that return we have the third part of the Trinity, the Holy Spirt, the comforter. God the Holy Spirit is here to help navigate with us this life.

Yes, this is a big idea, much like the sky is a big sky. But once we realize that the sky is everywhere for everyone, at all times, then we can understand the big idea of the Holy Spirit. Regardless if we are awake or asleep; we can be with family or miles away; we can be experiencing sickness or health, both in good times and bad God is with us. The sky is always hovering over us and the big idea is the third part of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is too.

Don’t complicate the big idea. Look up and accept that God it’s bigger than you and has everything covered.