In a world filled with hate it would be easy to attack people or people groups with our words and our actions. We must keep in perspective that our fight is against the enemy not against flesh and blood. Today’s verse reminds us not to let evil conquer us but to overcome evil with good. Choose this day to be OVERCOMERS! Push back against the natural tendencies to speak harshly about others. Fight back the urge to generalize “all people” of this community, “everyone” of that age, faith, gender, or race. Yes, there are many injustices in our world!

Let us be quick to hear and slow to speak……if I attack verbally an entire group because of the actions of a few, then I have become part of the problem not part of the solution. Today I will look for ways to counter the negative news. I will see, hear, or read about the evil around me and ask the Holy Spirit to allow me to find the good in the most troubling times. By this I will be part of the army of God that fights against evil by doing good. Will you join me?