Do you like to fish? Jesus spent time by the lake. He knew where the fish were biting and he would tell his friends where to go to catch fish. Where to cast the net.

Some fishermen like to keep secrets when it comes to their, Hot Holes, the spot where the fish are biting. Why do they keep this good news a secret? If you love fishing and you find a good spot seems that would be news to tell others. Fear of others moving in and cleaning out all the fish often keep fisherman from sharing where the sweet spot is located. 

Fishermen sometimes will express proudly the number of fish caught on any given trip but hold back information on what type bait was used or how deep the line was cast for their success. 

Today many churches can be guilty of protecting their fishing territory. There are more fish in the sea than they are fishermen to catch and there are more lost people in our communities than the number of churches to hold them. Let’s work together, celebrate, and share what’s working.

Jesus lived to invest in the lives of others, to bring people together. Let’s go fishing, we catch, God cleans, sounds like a great way to get to know our community. Celebrate what’s working and invite others to try their luck. Love your community enough to know that different bait is used to catch a variety of fish and different styles of churches can be used the same way. God needs us all to be fishers of men. LETS GO FISHING!