Ralph Dodson… my dad

Life goes on after the death of a loved one. The world may stop for a day or two but the routines of life return to normal. For the one who lost that dear friend or family member nothing is ever the same, you may wonder if you can ever truly live again. You wait for a new normal to begin.

It has been ten years since I said good-bye to my dad. Our last Christmas together is a blur, but I captured a photo of him a few years earlier on Christmas with a smile that was brighter than the angel on the tree. Each year I place that memory close by the Christmas tree.

It took a little while, but I found a new normal. I now can recall fond memories. I buried the pain of the past with the casket. The years of darkness, alcoholism, disappointment, and pain are gone, might I say, the pain of the past is forgiven. I choose to celebrate that my dad found an up to date relationship with God months before his death. If God can bury the past so can I.

One day I will see his smile again. Until then, when I ask myself the question; what is next? I will respond with LIFE.

What is Life? I believe LIFE can be summed up like this: LOVE others, be INTENTIONAL, find VICTORY in Jesus, and live EACH day on purpose.

Love other people with a kind attitude and compassionte actions. Be intentional to share your story with others. Know that in heaven every tear you have cried is registered in God’s ledger so you can have victory over your pain and loss. Finally live each day on purpose. We only have a brief time on this earth. Make the most of it. Don’t allow death to rob you of living.

This Christmas, I will remember my dad. I will laugh, I may even cry. But, one thing for sure I WILL LIVE MY BEST LIFE until it is my turn to die.

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

Psalms 56:8 (NLT)

What is next for you? Live life on purpose, God has seen your pain. Remember to LOVE others. Be INTENTIONAL to share your story. Find VICTORY in Jesus, and live EACH day on purpose.