Have you ever been told to GET A LIFE? I must admit that I have thought that, and have said it once or twice. Was that a kind thought or statement? No speaking and thinking that was not kind, but being kind and humble are traits we continue to learn over a lifetime. Humility is the fear of the Lord. I have not always considered every word, thought or deed before thinking, saying or doing. As a child I would sing a song “He’s Still Working On Me”. More than 40 years later the beauty of that chorus still rings true. “He’s still working on me, to make me what I ought to be….” Today I use my filter more than when I was a teenager. The battle of heart and mind are a little more gentle today than 10 years ago. My fear of God is a respectful fear. What do I mean by that? I wish to respect what Christ has done to offer me life. Today It matters to me what lingers in my thoughts and what will pass through my mouth, text or post. Caring about others to the point that being mindful of my words, thoughts and deeds can bring someone else closer to a relationship with God instead of my actions pushing someone away. My biggest fear in life is that my words or actions would push someone away from a personal relationship with the one who can offer life.