What is at the end of life’s rainbow? Walking by faith not by sight. Follow your heart. God’s will. God’s way. Have you heard these thoughts, possibly even quoted these ideas to others?

Is is possible for your goals at the end of life’s rainbow can be a reflection of God’s plan for your life. Is that what it means to to walk by faith, to know God’s will and to trust God in the routine turns of life?

I seek to follow my heart, to be true to who I am, and to be sensitive to God’s plan for my life. Often I get stuck in the details of what to do, timing, or worry of what others think. Seeking God’s approval for my life journey is important to me.

When my heart desires align with the Word of God then I can move full speed ahead with confidence not fear chasing my rainbows.

Often times full speed ahead is more of a hurry up and wait experience. Have you had such an experiences? You are in a car that can very easily go 70 or 80 mph but you are stuck in traffic. At no fault of yours but, you can only move with the circumstances you find yourself in. Maybe it is the time of day, rush hour on I85 or the time of year; holidays, hurricane season or game day that stops you in your tracks.

In my hometown Fall weekends mean one thing Football traffic. Gameday brings speeders to a halt. Why? Because more than 80,000 people are trying to get to the same location before kickoff.

Following your heart, dreams, or plans can come with a need to speed, wanting to get to the finish line fast. More often we find ourselves speeding up, slowing down, only to speed up again. Finding a steady pace in pursuit of gold at the end of our rainbows can be a challenge. Knowing what we want, how to get there and the patience to anticipate the speed bumps along the way.

Consider looking for the beauty in the wait. Finding satisfaction in the traffic jam. Walking with God in the rainstorms of life, and waiting with God to view great benefit of any storm, a rainbow is sure to come.

Psalm 20 reminds all to seek answers from the Lord in times of distress. Follow the desires of your heart. Seek God and move forward with the prayer; Lord, clear the way ahead and allow me to travel at a speed that is safe to enjoy the journey on the way to my final destination.

May he give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed.

Psalm 20:4

My final destination is heaven, but along life’s journey there are many people, places and things I can experience. Chase your rainbows.

Join me in looking for the blessings regardless of traffic jams or storms. Look around and see that God is shining down on you and through you. In you Lord I will put my trust and I will follow my heart.