WHAT ON EARTH is that for? I have often uttered to myself the what or why in the world statements. What on Earth are you doing? What earthly good is that? Why in the world would he say that? Why in the world would you do that? These are common thoughts that run through my head about people, places and things. 

Truth be told I have even pondered such things about God. Why this, why that? Colossians answers all of those questions in one simple phrase. “All things have been created through him and for him.” Through him, I can accept, for him, now that makes me stop and consider a very deep idea. When I speak bad about the weather, or the curvy mountain roads, or cold temperatures could it be that I am saying to God YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT? Sounds strange even the consideration that I would reprimand God. 

So maybe I’ll rethink my complaints about the things around me. Instead of the WHAT ON EARTH questions, I will try a new approach. God, help me to see these things through your eyes. You created it for yourself then I want to love what you love; including people, places and things. This idea may take me the rest or my life to implement but it is worth a try. Consider joining me in this new way of thinking. “All things have been created through him and for him.”