Have you ever played HIDE AND SEEK? As a kid did you ever hear a knock on the door from a friend asking you to come out and play? My friends and I played many games of hide and seek in the woods behind my grandmother’s house.  We called those woods THE DEVILS DEN.

In life we play this game trying to hide from God in a world filled with the devils schemes.  Often wanting to be accepted into games with the cool kids.  Don’t forget that no matter where you go in life you are not hidden from God.

You are loved and have a purpose.  Stop playing games with the devil and seek the Lord!  The Word tells us that God is close, go find him.  If you seek him with all of your heart he will be found.

You and I may live in a land that seems like the Devils Den, but when Jesus is your friend you don’t have to be afraid of what is before you, go and enjoy life. Jesus will light the way, he will show you the path, and the game of hide and seek will take on a new meaning.  God is not hiding so you can’t find him, he is waiting  for you to join him.  Think of it like this….. Jesus is knocking on the door inviting you to come out and play.