Can I help carry that for you? More than books or grocery bags we are equipped to help carry one another’s burdens. 

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2

Consider these two thoughts. One, you may be the tool God will use to bring hope to a troubled soul. Second, you may be the troubled soul that God is sending a special agent to assist. I would caution you from rejecting the help that may come your way. I would encourage each one to look around and spot that weary soul that may be right in front of you. A smile, a prayer, an acknowledgement can be the difference for someone that is considering giving up.

We were not created for isolation. Reach out to another, walk along side a friend or family member. The act of being present with another person opens up the opportunity for being available to “carry one another’s burdens”.

Take time to listen as someone shares. Slow down enough for others to realize you are available and you want to hear them. Take extra effort in your attitude and actions that your helping is not perceived as an inconvenience.