Yearning…. not a word used very often these days. In the early morning hours I find this idea of yearning for more of God.

More of God’s will for my life and less of my wants. More of that sweet peace that comes from spending time with him. 

Choosing to spend time with the Lord requires turning off the sounds around me. No TV, No music, No conversation….. just the beautiful sound of silence.

When is last time you enjoyed peace and quiet? For some the answer would be never. I have to get up early for this experience in my house. With family that loves noise it is normal for 20 of the 24 hours in a day for sounds to ring through our home….TV, music, dogs… but early mornings I can slip into my den, and wake to a yearning to spend time with God. It’s my favorite time of the day. Try it, the more you experience it the more you will wake up anticipating it.